Renewing Your Resolve: How to Stay Motivated When New Year's Resolutions Fizzle Out

As the months quickly roll on, many of us find ourselves facing a familiar predicament: the initial enthusiasm and determination we had for our New Year's resolutions begin to wane.
The excitement of setting ambitious goals fades away, and we're left grappling with the challenge of maintaining our motivation. But fear not! With a better understanding of the neuroscience behind ongoing motivation and some practical strategies, you can renew your resolve and stay on track to achieve your goals.
Picture this: Sarah, a working professional, started the year with a clear set of resolutions. She was determined to prioritise her health by hitting the gym regularly, eating nutritious meals, and getting enough sleep. However, as the month progressed, Sarah found herself struggling to stick to her resolutions. Long work hours, social commitments, and the allure of Netflix marathons began to chip away at her motivation. Sound familiar?

The Neuroscience of Motivation

To understand why our resolve tends to falter over time, it's essential to delve into the neuroscience of motivation. Our brains are wired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain, which means that when the initial excitement of a new goal wears off, our brain's reward system may lose interest. Additionally, our brains are hardwired to prioritise immediate rewards over long-term benefits, making it challenging to sustain motivation for goals that require time and effort.

However, neuroscientific research has uncovered valuable insights into how we can maintain motivation over the long term. One key finding is the importance of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When we achieve small milestones or experience progress toward our goals, our brains release dopamine, reinforcing the behavior and motivating us to continue.

If you're finding it challenging to maintain your motivation and would like personalized strategies tailored to your needs, consider exploring our Sydney Mindset Coaching services.

Strategies for Renewing Your Resolve

Break it Down: Instead of focusing solely on the end goal, break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate each small victory along the way, as each success triggers a dopamine release that fuels ongoing motivation.

Visualise Success: Take a moment to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Picture the sense of accomplishment, pride, and satisfaction you'll feel. Visualization can activate the brain's reward circuitry, making your goals feel more attainable and compelling.

Find Your Why Reconnect: with the underlying reasons behind your resolutions. Reflect on why they are important to you and how achieving them aligns with your values and aspirations. Connecting emotionally to your goals can provide a powerful source of motivation.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself when setbacks occur. Remember that progress is not always linear, and slip-ups are a natural part of the journey. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, focus on what you can learn from them and how you can adjust your approach moving forward.

Create Accountability: Share your goals with a friend, family member, or mentor who can offer support and encouragement. Being held accountable can provide an extra incentive to stay committed to your resolutions.


As we navigate the challenges of maintaining our New Year's resolutions, it's important to remember that motivation is not a finite resource but rather a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured over time.

By understanding the neuroscience behind ongoing motivation and implementing practical strategies, like breaking goals down into smaller tasks, visualising success, finding your why, practicing self-compassion, and creating accountability, you can renew your resolve and stay on track to achieve your aspirations.

So, don't let the mid-year slump derail your progress—reignite your motivation and continue pursuing your goals with renewed vigor and determination.

Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Comm is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.