Frequently Asked Questions
This is where you will find most answers. If there should still be any questions left, please drop us an email or give us a call. We endeavour to respond within 72 hours.
We are super flexible. We set up prompts for your preferred time and confirm that time with you usually the day before. Even if we have confirmed a time, we know important things can crop up. If so, just send us a message in WhatsApp or your preferred communication channel, and we will move your session to another time.
For this reason, we prefer to not have your usual time on a Friday but Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday so that we always have a bit of buffer to move things.
It is super important that we do click and that goes both ways. For this reason, our first meeting is a bit longer to allow time to ‘hang out’ and see if we do click. It can happen though that first impressions aren’t always accurate and as we go along one of us may find some aspect is not clicking.
For this reason, we have a quarterly review so we can discuss how things are going and what is and isn’t working. We adjust from there. If though we discover that we don’t click, you will have the option of selecting another coach under the debMaes TLC umbrella, we can make recommendations of other suitable coaches outside the organisation or you may choose to end the agreement and find another coach in your own way.
We have several payment options. Our intention is that we are accessible and flexible. Please let us know what your needs might be and we can see how we could fit with that.