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Peak Performance Mastery

The Peak Performance Mastery Coaching Program is a comprehensive 12-month coaching program designed to help individuals unlock their full potential and achieve peak performance in various areas of their lives. This program is specifically tailored to support personal and professional growth, empowering participants to reach new heights of success and fulfillment.

This program is ideal for those who want to gain a deep and profound understanding of self and purpose to be happier and more fulfilled.

Some key aspects of this coaching program include:

12-Month Duration

The program spans a full year, providing you with ongoing guidance and support to ensure sustainable development and lasting results. It allows for gradual progress and continuous growth, which is often more effective and lasting than quick fixes.

Mindset Focus

The core focus of the program is on developing a Peak Performance mindset. It addresses limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and mental barriers that might hold you back, but also has a focus on how you achieve your own peak performance state.

Practical Tools and Techniques

You'll gain access to a toolkit of practical strategies and techniques that can be applied in both your personal and professional life to enhance your performance and productivity.

Individualised Coaching:

You’ll get personalized coaching and support to address your unique challenges and goals, with tailored strategies and action plans to your specific needs.

Skill Building

The program equips you with practical tools and techniques to enhance your skills, such as goal setting, time management, stress management, and communication. This allows you to make significant improvements in your performance and influence.

Accountability & Results

It's not just theory; everything we do is Results-Oriented. It's about taking action and seeing real changes in your life, hence accountability. Regular check-ins and assigned practice help you stay on track and measure progress.

The Peak Performance Mastery Coaching Program is a year-long journey of personal and professional development, designed to help you not only overcome mental barriers, but develop a wisdom mindset, and achieve peak performance in various areas of your life. It provides personalized coaching and practical tools to help you on their path to success and fulfillment.

Individual Support includes

  • Monthly Deep Dive Direct Contact via Phone/Video
  • Capacity & Performance development via Email/WhatsApp – 4 p/m
  • Bi-annualy Review and planning forward per quarter
  • Customised Learning Materials


Paid Monthly: 1,320 p/m GST Inc
Paid Annually: $15,840 p/a GST Inc
Save $1,584


Why do I offer a full refund if notable change is not achieved? Although I encourage an expectation of 10 fold increase or change in 12 months, many achieve this in the first one to three months. And these results do not depend upon you working hard or conscientiously. Because I work with the deep unconscious structures and processes that are innate in us all, I know that you can not NOT get profound results. All you have to do is: turn up for your coaching and implement, and you will get results way beyond what you can initially anticipate.

image 100% money back guarantee

Perhaps you can’t fully appreciate what this will mean for you in terms of increased influence, income, personal fulfillment and satisfaction, though I look forward to your surprise as you choose to take this journey.

image fleur de lys


Perhaps you can’t fully appreciate what this will mean for you in terms of increased influence, income, personal fulfillment and satisfaction, though I look forward to your surprise as you choose to take this journey.