All the things I’ve done, in all of my yesterdays, haven’t the power of what I choose to do at this moment.
NOW… is the only time that has power. How can this be so, you wonder?
👈 YESTERDAY; all the things I have done up til now, to some extent are fixed, unchangeable. I can’t do anything other than what has been done. Yesterday is filled with potential lessons that can be learnt, knowledge and experience gained, but still it is a distortion of what really transpired. To illustrate this, I sometimes invite a person to reflect on yesterday, “Recall the whole day from getting up, the key events or moments, right through to the end. Hold the day in mind”, I say. “Got it?” “Yes”, they reply. “How long did that take?”, I ask, “and how is it possible to hold a whole day in mind, viewing its entirety in a split second. This is not the reality of yesterday, as that took 12 - 18 hours more or less. Yesterday is only the representation that we noticed and chose to store in our memory. How much is missing or distorted?
👉 TOMORROW; this is much the same as yesterday in its absence of power, but even more so. Tomorrow has none of the recollects of events that have happened; it is entirely a misty illusion of my own.
And, all of us know, from experience, no matter how much we contemplate and prepare for what is yet to happen, it NEVER turns out exactly as we imagined; there are way too many forces outside of our influence or control.
👇✊ TODAY though is a different matter: before me lies many possibilities, and I get to choose. I can choose how I respond to what is before me - in this movement. I can choose how I see it, what I focus on, the meaning that I make and the actions I will take. To me THAT is powerful.