Your purpose in life is to be you..
gentlty and courageously.
So many people ask, “What is the purpose of life?”, or ‘What is my purpose in life?”.
To me this is a no-brainer. We can live and I get to live it being ‘me’. That’s it! BUT, I add this extra thing, ‘gently and courageously’.
Yes, your purpose is to live life being you… gently and courageously.
Why do you think it takes gentleness?
Because we are immersed in a society that is always evaluating and measuring against “enough-ness”. Is this ‘good enough?’.
You have heard that question once or twice in life, yes?
We absorb this judgmental way of being – thank you good old mirror neurons – and we can be very hard on ourselves.
And why courageously? I have found it has taken gutsy-ness to say “I am good enough for me” even when others are saying I or my work is not enough for them.
When this happens, I tell myself “let you be enough for you so you can model that for others”. AND…THAT takes courage.