What can you do in 6 seconds?
Like a broken record, I’d often say, “I don’t have time.”
And yet, consider what a mere second or two can do.
In 2 seconds you can draw a heart.
In 2 seconds you can say, “I’m sorry”.
In 2 seconds you can meet someone’s eye.
In 2 seconds you can smile with your heart.
AND what can you create in a full 6 seconds?
It’s enough time to make a bad day good …
It’s enough time to bring life back to your weary bones.
In 6 seconds you can take a deep breath. In 6 seconds you can relax your muscles.
In 6 seconds you can let a hurtful thought go. In 6 seconds you can remember why you’re loved.
In 6 seconds you can kiss someone like you mean it.
In 6 seconds you can hold open a door with a smile.
In 6 seconds you can wait for a little straggler to catch up.
In 6 seconds you can say, “I’ll wait for you,” and do it.
In 6 seconds you can tuck a note in a pocket.
In 6 seconds you can whisper, “It’s going to be okay”.
In 6 seconds you can see what makes a person shine.
In 6 seconds you can say, “Thank you. I appreciate that”.
In 6 seconds you can feel the sunshine.
In 6 seconds you can cut yourself some slack.
In 6 seconds you can ask the inner bully, “You okay?”
In 6 seconds you can stop the old story and begin anew.
AND in the midst of so much that doesn’t matter… 6 seconds is enough time to remember what really does matter.