Consider... YOU are the hero you have been looking for
I don’t know about you, but I have met challenges along my journey in life that I thought I was not strong or smart enough or experienced enough to meet.
I often looked to someone else to handle it, seeing skill, knowledge or experience in them that I did not have.
And, it is wise to seek advice or guidance from those that have gone before, but I have also come to realise that MY life challenges turn up before me because they are mine.
And I’ve also come to realise that they turn up - these challenges - exactly when I do have the inner resources to meet them. In fact, it is these challenges that unlock the inner resources.
So, I have come to be grateful for the barriers and challenges and look to myself - not others - to save me.
I suggest that you too are the hero you have been looking for. True or not, it is a very empowering thought, wouldn't you agree?