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Focus Matters

last updated on april 2022

To create value in In today’s world, you must be productive and use your time wisely. One of the biggest contributors to productivity is the ability to focus, that is, the ability to centre our attention onto something, whether it be a task, project or person.

Focusing helps us keep our eye on the goal, it’s the key to clarity, efficiency, and concentration. The problem is, attention is a limited resource, and distractions are everywhere; talkative coworker, email, that sugar fix, digital media or the new Netflix hit.

There is more competing for our attention than ever before. We’re so busy multitasking, trying to get stuff done, it is no wonder people everywhere are experiencing an epidemic of overwhelm.

For most of us, anchoring our attention has become a daily challenge. But, in order to build the kind of career and life you want, it’s going to take the right kind of focus.

This won’t happen by accident and it’s honestly not easy to find something that is doable with our time being a premium. It requires an intelligent approach and a well designed, effective program.

Master Mindset Coaching will help you optimise to make you more productive and organised. These things flow naturally as a result of optimising your mindset, so that you can focus with intention on the people and projects you care most about in life and work, leading to more successful outcomes.

Deb Maes

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Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Com is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

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