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Mindset Coaching in Auslan

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Mindset Coaching in Auslan

I'm thrilled to share some incredibly exciting news with you all! As many of you know, I've been dedicated to sharing insights into mindset and the neuroscience behind mind hacks through my reels. Now, I'm taking a significant step forward in accessibility and inclusivity by introducing reels in Auslan - Australian Sign Language. Auslan is a profoundly beautiful visual language that allows for rich communication. By offering content in Auslan, I'm committed to making valuable knowledge about mindset and neuroscience more accessible. But that's not all! I'm incredibly proud to announce that our editing team has worked tirelessly to ensure that the captions for these Auslan reels are closely aligned with the actual signs used. This means not only can you understand Auslan users better, but it also provides a unique opportunity to connect with Deaf individuals on a deeper level and broaden access for all. Your support in this endeavour means the world to me. You can show your support by engaging with the Auslan reels in several ways​:
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    Clarity of Purpose:

    Discussing your ambitions, challenges, and aspirations, can help you clarify what you REALLY want to achieve and create a roadmap for living more fully on Purpose. Clarity of purpose can offer immediate benefits in terms of perspective and focused prioirtising of you attention and energy.

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    Immediate Insights:

    Every single session you can expect to have a profound shift at a deep integrated level. This is like a 'Brain Rest'. The neuroscience around memory reconsolidation is mindblowing - it's like deleting old code that no longer serves you. You'll also gain valuable insights and approaches to start working on your mindset or specific issues.
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    Assessing our Compatibility:

    Vital to the ongoing sucess, is assessing whether we have good rapport and whether my coaching style aligns with your needs and personality. You'll be able to experience this in a single session.
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    Sampling Techniques:

    I have a unique way of utilising neuroscience and many impactful modalities. "Reboot Your Brain" tool, disrupts automatic responses and lays down new neural pathways. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques “Change Personal HIstory” and/or "Reimprint" — can clean-up old experiences. “Advance Hindsight”, "Pseudo Orientation in Time" & “Kinesthetic Timeline” (NLP) provide insights into your true desires.
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    Targeted Focus:

    You can use the session to breakthrough a particular issue or challenge you're facing. A single session can give you some actionable advice and new perspectives for that specific concern.
  • Self-Reflection:

    Going a little deeper, the session may help uncover underlying beliefs or thought patterns holding you back and give you a starting point for personal growth and perhaps inspiration to discover even more about your potential.
So, are you ready to take the first step toward a transformed life?

Dr Aurelie Quade


I speak two languages, have achieved my Ph.D., have a great job, have three beautiful children and a gorgeous partner, but I couldn't enjoy any of these things.

I sat at my desk, immobilised by panic attacks that seemed to come out of nowhere. I should have been soaring, but my brain was clipping my wings.

I thought, 'I need a coach who could help me set goals and make me accountable. I needed a vision and targets to achieve, to feel better.' But what’s the value of working towards achievements, if the main problem is how you're operating? My most urgent problem was “my anxiety”.

Someone told me that Deb could rewire my brain and fix my glitches. Deb said this could happen in a couple of sessions, and I thought, “That can not be right. Maybe for others, but I have been carrying this around for 42 years”.

We had ONE SESSION. In that one session, I felt something profound change in me and I have not had a panic attack since.

Merci du fond du coeur Deb.
Dr Aurelie Quade


A session is $795 inc gst for 90-120 minute.
The session can be conducted either in-person or virtually via ZOOM, and can be recorded.


Why do I offer a full refund if notable change is not achieved? Although I encourage an expectation of 10 fold increase or change in 12 months, many achieve this in the first one to three months. And these results do not depend upon you working hard or conscientiously. Because I work with the deep unconscious structures and processes that are innate in us all, I know that you can not NOT get profound results. All you have to do is: turn up for your coaching and implement, and you will get results way beyond what you can initially anticipate.

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Perhaps you can’t fully appreciate what this will mean for you in terms of increased influence, income, personal fulfillment and satisfaction, though I look forward to your surprise as you choose to take this journey.

reach out to me for more information

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Perhaps you can’t fully appreciate what this will mean for you in terms of increased influence, income, personal fulfillment and satisfaction, though I look forward to your surprise as you choose to take this journey.

reach out to me for more information

image fleur de lys

Other Programs

Read more …Mindset Coaching in Auslan

  • Hits: 189

Mindset matters Auslan edition

Mindset Matters Practice
Auslan Edition

As a Mindset Coach fluent in Auslan, I'm passionate about empowering everyone, including the Deaf people, so I'm thrilled to create this series of short neuroscience brain hacks designed to help you master your mind.
Each reel offers insights and practical Mindset techniques tailored to support your personal growth and transformation.


Happy Thoughts


Think Positive,
Feel Amazing


Think Brave,
Feel Brave


Training the Brain for Success


Focus On Good Things


Belief In Yourself

Read more …Mindset matters Auslan edition

  • Hits: 1273



Why I Take Enneagram Approach in My Coaching

I love working with the Enneagram because it is not fixed, which means you ARE NOT this or that type of personality. The Enneagram takes a developmental approach and only reveals how you typically show up, mostly as a learned defense mechanism, and it points to what things to look out for when you are displaying that type.

What I love most about the Enneagram is how it points to the shadow work you can do.

What Is Enneagram

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche. This model is also denoted as a feedback and disclosure model of self-awareness. Its roots are in antiquity, which can be traced back to the works of Pythagoras. Principally, it is a personality typology that interconnects nine personality types.

Each personality type has a number, which is often used as a shortcut to referencing the type. Each type has ‘Core fears’, ‘Core motivations’, and ‘Core desires’. These things are usually hidden in our psyche - in the 'shadows' as it were.

The Johari Window is a model that can help understand why it is essential to develop the shadow self. American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham developed this model in 1955 8n their work at the University of California. The name ‘Johari’ came from joining their first two names.

The most effective place to put your attention is the 'Unknown' area, and also good are the 'Blind Spot' and 'Hidden Self' areas. There is little opportunity to develop in the 'Open Self' area.

I'll explain each:

Open Self – Many aspects of your attitudes, behaviour, emotions, feelings, skills, and views are known by you and others. There is not much to learn or develop in this domain, but it is worth noting that the more this area is increased, the more the blind spot is decreased. The size of this area can be increased by revealing more of our known self to others.

Hidden Self – This is information that is known to you but is unknown to others. This can be any personal information that you feel reluctant or have overlooked to reveal. This includes feelings, past experiences, fears, or secrets. We tend to keep hidden some of our feelings and information.

The hidden area can be reduced by sharing our thoughts and feelings with others. This is good for improving the quality of our relationships. This is an area where learning and development can happen, but again, because this is an area you know, it is limited for further development. It is in the other two areas where most development can happen.

Blind Spot – Information about yourself that others know but you are unaware of. Others may interpret you differently than you expect, and knowing this reduces your blind spot.

The blind spot is reduced through seeking feedback from others. A 360 survey can help reveal blindspots, which I can arrange for you.

Unknown – There are aspects of your psyche that are hidden from you and others - in the shadows - things that neither you nor others can consciously be aware of and which cannot be observed. Things such as feelings, capabilities, talents, etc. Most of these are hidden in our unconscious.

This is the area that can be revealed through understanding your Enneagram type. Once revealed to you, they no longer lurk in the background, creating undesired results, but can come under your conscious direction. This is the essence of ‘Shadow Work’. If you are interested in this, I can help you identify your Enneagram type.

Read more …Enneagram

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