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Lessons in Hugs: The Neuroscience of Human Connection

Lessons in Hugs:
The Neuroscience of Human Connection


I've been reflecting on something close to my heart - the neuroscience of hugging. You see, growing up, hugs weren't exactly a common occurrence in my household. My family wasn't big on touch; we were more accustomed to keeping our distance, both physically and emotionally. Because of this, I felt awkward and stiff when hugged. But, despite my early unhugging start, especially after marrying into an Italian family full of natural huggers, I realised what I had been missing.

Perhaps you too might feel uncertain about hugging or getting physically close to people. It's not always universally accepted in every social context; for instance, in professional settings, or it might feel awkward for a man and a woman to hug in greeting.

Recently, I found myself at a professional event where I felt close to several individuals who I knew had experienced a challenging situation. I sensed they needed a hug.

However, there were also others at the event whom I had only just met that evening. As I went around embracing those I knew, it felt odd not to extend the same gesture to those I knew less well when saying farewell. So, I decided to break the ice and said, "Are you a hugger? Could I give you a hug too? They're free for all."

I even shared a brief A-frame hug with the male MC as I thanked him for his efforts that evening. Surprisingly, as my hugs were evenly distributed, it actually felt quite fitting in the context—I inadvertently normalised public displays of affection. 

Learning How to Hug

In my journey of becoming a hugger, I learned a few things along the way: to initiate the hug, to anticipate it, and most importantly, not to freeze up when it happened.

I realised that hugs have healing power, a way of conveying love and comfort that words often can't express. Delving deeper into the neuroscience of hugging, I was fascinated to discover the myriad types of hugs, each with its unique benefits and effect on our brain chemistry.

Each type works effectively to generate the ‘Bonding hormone’, Oxytocin: from the A-frame hug, where you gently pat each other's backs, to the bear hug that envelops you in warmth and security, or the rocking hug that sways you gently back and forth, and so many more.

What I found particularly intriguing is that people hug based on how they want to be hugged. So, instead of sticking to a one-size-fits-all approach, I learned to pay attention to their actions, mirroring their gestures and responding in kind.

But perhaps the most important lesson I learned is that people need hugs of different lengths. Sometimes, a quick squeeze is all it takes to convey support and affection in a busy moment. Other times, when someone is going through a tough time or simply needs a little extra love, holding on for a little longer can make all the difference.

I've found that by tuning into their cues and holding on until they start to let go, I'm able to offer the kind of hug that truly meets their needs in that moment.

The Healing Power of Hugs

The healing power of hugs is clearly visible. They say so much more than words and convey what is needed without words, sometimes saying ‘you are loved’, ‘you’re not alone’, ‘I understand’, ‘I am here for you’. You can’t get it wrong, especially if you follow their lead. So let's celebrate the power of hugs - and the love and connection they bring into our lives, not just on Mother's Day, but every day. Sending virtual hugs your way, ???????? ????

Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Comm is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

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Unlocking Success: The Power of Goal Setting

Unlocking Success: The Power of Goal Setting


Let's dive into the magical realm of goal setting and why it's the secret key to turning your wildest dreams into reality.

Zig Ziglar, well-known for his inspirational speeches and books, speaks about Howard Hill, the world’s best-ever archer. He could hit a bullseye right in the center, then notch another arrow and split the first arrow right down the center.
Very Impressive! But Zig promised that he could take any man or woman and teach them in 20 minutes to hit the bullseye better than Howard Hill… if he blindfolded Howard and spun him around, so he had no idea where the target lies. Without a clear goal to aim for, even his remarkable skill becomes meaningless. The analogy Zig Ziglar uses illustrates the importance of having a clear vision of what you want.

And then there's Bob Proctor, the guru of personal development, who champions the power of goal setting like nobody else. According to Bob, setting clear and specific goals isn't just wishful thinking; it's the first step toward unlocking your full potential.

Without a roadmap to guide you, you might find yourself wandering aimlessly, like a ship without a compass. Once you have your goal clearly in mind, then you can start to take action.

As successful entrepreneur Peter Moriarty says, "The compass can point you where you need to go, but it can’t walk the path for you."

Let me illustrate it with a real-life example of my own. We all have many, but I’ll share just one. In my twenties, I discovered a knack for languages and became relatively fluent in Australian Sign Language, Auslan.

Becoming a professional, let alone an interpreter, was something I had never imagined. But given that some deaf people were strongly encouraging me, I set a goal to be the best interpreter I could possibly be. Not just good, but the very best.

I knew that if I wanted to achieve success, I needed to have a clear vision of what that success looked like. So I sought out examples of great interpreting. I visualised myself achieving a level 4 qualification (the highest at the time) and felt the emotions of what it would be like to hold that qualification in my hands.

Then I set to work immersing myself in the language and practicing in lots of different contexts. I even paid one native speaker to meet me for all-you-can-eat pizza once a week and simply chat about anything he was interested in so I got exposure to great signing.

And guess what? It paid off. Of the six Australians who sat for the first-ever examination for professional-level interpreters, I was one of them who passed with flying colors. It was a testament to the power of goal setting and having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and taking action.

Four action steps to turn the dream into reality:

So, my fellow dreamers, let me leave you with these action steps:

  1. Set audacious goals,
  2. Create a vivid vision of your success,
  3. Commit to your vision, and
  4. Take action.

Whether you're aiming to be a great archer or to be the best in your field, remember that with clarity of vision, unwavering determination, and consistent action, success is not just a possibility; it's an inevitability.

Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Comm is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

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Nurturing Mindfulness

Nurturing Mindfulness:
A Journey to Inner Harmony and Professional Success


In the bustling tapestry of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility can feel like a rare luxury. A midst the demands of work, relationships, and personal growth, the concept of mindfulness emerges as a beacon of solace — a practice that not only addresses common challenges but also fosters a richer, more fulfilling existence.

In this article, we will explore the essence of mindfulness, the problems it skillfully navigates, and the myriad reasons why investing in its development is a profoundly worthwhile endeavour.

Let me first share why I care so much about developing a practice of mindfulness… In the summer of 1996, I embarked on a journey to Paris, the city of love, with my newlywed husband.

The picturesque landscapes of the French vineyards unfurled before us as we travelled down from the Netherlands. It should have been a time of unbridled joy and enchantment, a honeymoon filled with romance and lasting memories. Little did I know that my own fears and insecurities would cast a shadow over the breathtaking scenery.

Despite the stunning backdrop of castles and the allure of Parisian streets, my mind was elsewhere. In the subtle gestures of love, I sought reassurance—was he still in love with me? Did he truly care? I was constantly on the lookout for those “romantic” signs, like whether he pulled out the chair for me.

My mind was racing, and I was missing the beauty around me. Two weeks in France, and my memories were but fleeting glimpses, like fragments of a dream slipping through my fingers. The grandeur of the Louvre, the romance of the Eiffel Tower – mere snapshots in a hazy recollection.

Fast forward to 2019, and I found myself back in Paris, this time with a dear friend from the UK. Something had changed in the interim years—Paris, once a backdrop to my inner turmoil, became a canvas for creating cherished memories.

But it was not Paris that had changed, a transformative shift that would turn my experiences on their head. I was fully present in the moment, my mind unburdened by the anxieties that once plagued me. In the intervening years, I had discovered the practice of mindfulness—a simple yet profound shift that allowed me to be fully present. The constant chatter in my mind quieted, and I learned to appreciate the beauty of the moment without the noise of doubts and insecurities.

As I strolled through the enchanting streets of Paris with my friend, I was truly there—absorbing the sights, savouring the flavours, and cherishing the companionship. The fears that once held me captive had given way to a newfound freedom—the freedom to experience life with joy and presentness.

This time, my memories are not fleeting; they’re a vibrant tapestry of rich experiences. The Eiffel Tower, the charming cafés, and the cobblestone streets all played a part in a story that I can vividly recall. The stark contrast between my two trips to Paris was not due to a change in scenery but a transformation within myself.

Through the lens of mindfulness, the world transformed, and I discovered a profound sense of peace, joy, and connection—a true honeymoon of the soul.

Understanding Mindfulness

Mindfulness, at its core, is the art of being present—fully engaged in the current moment without judgement. It draws inspiration from ancient contemplative practices, emphasising a non-judgmental awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. Imagine approaching each moment with an open heart and an unwavering focus, like a gentle river flowing calmly through the twists and turns of life.

Addressing Common Problems

The world we inhabit is teeming with stress, anxiety, and an incessant stream of distractions. Mindfulness acts as a gentle guide, offering a sanctuary amid the chaos. By fostering self-awareness, it helps you navigate challenges such as stress, burnout, and the overwhelming pace of modern life.

Why Develop Mindfulness

As you might see from my example, the decision to develop mindfulness is a gift to oneself—an investment in mental well-being that pays dividends across various facets of life. Mindfulness enables us to respond rather than react, fostering emotional resilience and clarity.
In a world where the ability to adapt is paramount, mindfulness becomes a powerful tool for you to navigate change with grace and equanimity.

Scientific Validation of Mindfulness

Research in neuroscience and psychology provides compelling evidence of the positive impact of mindfulness. Studies show changes in brain structure associated with increased attention and emotional regulation. Additionally, mindfulness-based interventions have been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and improved overall well-being.

Mindful in the Contex of Work

The workplace, often a crucible of stress and high expectations, is an ideal arena for the application of mindfulness. By integrating mindfulness practices, individuals can enhance their professional lives in the following ways:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: A mindful approach to decision-making allows for a more thoughtful and considered response, minimising impulsive reactions
  • Improved Communication: Mindful listening and effective communication go hand in hand. Being fully present in conversations fosters better understanding and collaboration.
  • Stress Management: The ability to navigate workplace challenges with composure is a hallmark of mindful professionals, contributing to a healthier work environment
  • Leadership Development: Mindful leaders inspire trust and resilience in their teams. By modelling mindfulness, leaders foster a positive organisational culture.

Beginning The Journey

Embarking on the mindfulness journey need not be daunting. Start with small, manageable steps that integrate seamlessly into your daily routine. If you're looking for more personalized guidance or wish to deepen your practice, consider connecting with a professional Sydney mindset coach. Our experts can provide tailored advice and strategies to help you incorporate mindfulness into your life, enhancing your journey towards inner harmony and professional success.

Here are some tips on how to Begin Developing Mindfulness:

  • Start Small: Begin with short, manageable sessions. Set aside just a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath.
  • Use Everyday Moments: Turn routine activities into mindful opportunities. Whether it’s savouring your morning coffee or paying full attention while washing dishes, infuse these moments with mindfulness.
  • Body Scan Meditation: Take a few minutes to scan your body, paying attention to any tension or discomfort. This simple practice promotes body awareness
  • Mindful Breathing: Focus on your breath – the rise and fall of your chest or the sensation of air passing through your nostrils. This anchors you in the present moment
  • Guided Meditations: Explore guided meditations, readily available online or through apps. These can gently lead you into the practice, offering support and structure
  • Incorporate Mindfulness into Daily Activities: Practice mindfulness during routine activities, like eating. Pay attention to the sensations, smells, and sounds around you
  • Mindful Walking: Pay attention to each step as you walk. Feel the ground beneath your feet, and let your senses absorb the world around you
  • Stay Consistent: Like any skill, mindfulness improves with practice. Consistency is key, so aim to incorporate mindfulness into your routine regularly.


In essence, mindfulness is not merely a practice; it is a transformative journey toward a more conscious and harmonious existence.

By cultivating mindfulness, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with grace, resilience, and a profound sense of well-being.

As you embark on this journey, may each mindful breath be a step towards a brighter, more balanced future.

Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Comm is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

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Renewing Your Resolve: How to Stay Motivated When New Year's Resolutions Fizzle Out

Renewing Your Resolve: How to Stay Motivated When New Year's Resolutions Fizzle Out

As the months quickly roll on, many of us find ourselves facing a familiar predicament: the initial enthusiasm and determination we had for our New Year's resolutions begin to wane.
The excitement of setting ambitious goals fades away, and we're left grappling with the challenge of maintaining our motivation. But fear not! With a better understanding of the neuroscience behind ongoing motivation and some practical strategies, you can renew your resolve and stay on track to achieve your goals.
Picture this: Sarah, a working professional, started the year with a clear set of resolutions. She was determined to prioritise her health by hitting the gym regularly, eating nutritious meals, and getting enough sleep. However, as the month progressed, Sarah found herself struggling to stick to her resolutions. Long work hours, social commitments, and the allure of Netflix marathons began to chip away at her motivation. Sound familiar?

The Neuroscience of Motivation

To understand why our resolve tends to falter over time, it's essential to delve into the neuroscience of motivation. Our brains are wired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain, which means that when the initial excitement of a new goal wears off, our brain's reward system may lose interest. Additionally, our brains are hardwired to prioritise immediate rewards over long-term benefits, making it challenging to sustain motivation for goals that require time and effort.

However, neuroscientific research has uncovered valuable insights into how we can maintain motivation over the long term. One key finding is the importance of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When we achieve small milestones or experience progress toward our goals, our brains release dopamine, reinforcing the behavior and motivating us to continue.

If you're finding it challenging to maintain your motivation and would like personalized strategies tailored to your needs, consider exploring our Sydney Mindset Coaching services.

Strategies for Renewing Your Resolve

Break it Down: Instead of focusing solely on the end goal, break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate each small victory along the way, as each success triggers a dopamine release that fuels ongoing motivation.

Visualise Success: Take a moment to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Picture the sense of accomplishment, pride, and satisfaction you'll feel. Visualization can activate the brain's reward circuitry, making your goals feel more attainable and compelling.

Find Your Why Reconnect: with the underlying reasons behind your resolutions. Reflect on why they are important to you and how achieving them aligns with your values and aspirations. Connecting emotionally to your goals can provide a powerful source of motivation.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself when setbacks occur. Remember that progress is not always linear, and slip-ups are a natural part of the journey. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, focus on what you can learn from them and how you can adjust your approach moving forward.

Create Accountability: Share your goals with a friend, family member, or mentor who can offer support and encouragement. Being held accountable can provide an extra incentive to stay committed to your resolutions.


As we navigate the challenges of maintaining our New Year's resolutions, it's important to remember that motivation is not a finite resource but rather a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured over time.

By understanding the neuroscience behind ongoing motivation and implementing practical strategies, like breaking goals down into smaller tasks, visualising success, finding your why, practicing self-compassion, and creating accountability, you can renew your resolve and stay on track to achieve your aspirations.

So, don't let the mid-year slump derail your progress—reignite your motivation and continue pursuing your goals with renewed vigor and determination.

Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Comm is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

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The Mirror Effect: Unveiling Inner Reflections in Our Reality

The Mirror Effect:
Unveiling Inner Reflections in Our Reality


Have you heard it said, ‘The world is your mirror’, or ‘There’s no perception without projection’, or even ‘Spot it, you’ve got it’? These expressions point to how the source of the outer world we experience is actually our own inner world reflected back to us. The fact is we don’t see the physical world as it actually is; we filter reality to experience certain things and not others.

image of an eye reflecting what it sees

You don’t see the world as it is,
you see it according to who you are.

― Krishna Saagar

Reflections: Inner World Manifestations in the Outer World

We need a method to filter information from the world since our brain processes a whopping 40 million bits per second. The proof of this filtering lies in the fact that we only truly pay attention to a tiny portion of it – a mere 40 bits per second. It's quite a significant gap when you consider that out of the massive 40 million bits, only 40 manage to grab our attention. Can you believe it? Just 40 out of 40 million!

Now the implication of all this is that our reality is created by what we experience and what we experience is governed by what we have told our brain to watch out for. Are you starting to see how the outer world we experience is influenced by what is going on inside ourselves?...

image of the reflection of an eye in water

How does the outer world become a projection of the inner world?

What are we projecting into the world?

The Psychology of Projection: Shadows and Self-Discovery

A bit of psychology to consider...

  • We project repressed aspects of ourselves onto others. This is called 'Displacement'.
  • We do this because there are certain aspects of ourselves that we have not yet come to know or accept. This is called our 'Shadow'.

Because we have not yet come to discover a certain aspect of self, we project it out into the world - onto others - so that we can see ourselves.

Embracing Projection: Illuminating Hidden Potentials

Most people think that what is hidden in the shadows are negative things, like anger and impatience and we fear that this makes us not good enough. BUT, there is good news, a lot of what we project is ‘good’ or positive aspects of ourselves that we have not yet accepted.

As Marianne Williams says:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'

image with saying, the world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing within yourself

Be the Change: Leveraging Projection for Self-Reflection

To unlock a deeper understanding of yourself, consider embracing the phenomenon of projection. Whether tending to criticise or praise, the key lies in embracing openness. Approach self-reflection with curiosity and sincerity, seeking to uncover both negative and positive aspects within yourself that you have yet to acknowledge.

Here’s a practical way to leverage this phenomenon of projection:

  • Pay attention to what has caught your eye
  • Ask the curious question, “How is this true of me?”, then
  • “Be the change” (Gandhi).

This notion of be the change does 3 powerful things when applied:

  • It stops us from judging others
  • It replaces focusing on others (where we have little power to change) with reflection on self
  • It stirs us to change the only thing over which we have any control: ourselves.

When you become aware of how YOU would like to be, you can adjust yourself, and then you can start to look for this in the world. AND GUESS, what happens then? You start to see the world mirroring your new changed way back to you.

Deb Maes

Deb Maes


Deb Maes, M.A. Comm is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

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